Presidential Election ....

Last election I whole heartedly voted, and supported Obama. I was very proud to support him, and vocally speak up for him..not to mention it was an intelligent black man who was running......people were proud!! I listened to others who were not so impressed with him say things about his motives that made me angry at times...(Christians get angry, but sin not)...I could not understand the things being said about OUR next president.
As his term unfolded very disturbing things began to happen, this man morphed into someone who was far, far from a my horror, and surprise.....I have come to realize that he is not a Christian...I will not go into his stances here, they are well documented....Im sorry to admit I was duped...he is actually directing our nation away from a Godly course..Going against the word of God.....IF WE ARE INDEED A CHRISTIAN NATION FOUNDED ON THOSE PRINCIPLES...SOMEONE NEEDS TO SAY IT WITH CONVICTION AND CLARITY...BECAUSE from where I sit no one has the BACKBONE TO CLEARLY STATE  "IN GOD WE TRUST". Its a good time to re-visit the scripture..."What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his soul". I still Love Obama...and wish I could vote for him.....I CANT!!!...Why dont they just say the Country is for sale...if you can deliver votes, ill support you as president..absolutely spineless!!

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