Keeping it together

Well, last Thursday I gained weight.  The holidays took their toll on me but I'm back on track looking forward to meeting my goal.  I'm back to counting points and getting it right.  Breakfast again consists of 1 cup cheerios mixed with yogurt and 1/2 cup egg whites=5 points.  Two snacks per day of an apple (free) and 1 point worth of almonds (i weight them).  Then lunch is Lettuce (free) wraps with deli lunch meets (2 points which is based on the packaging information), 2 points worth of pretzels (weighed) and tomato and cucumber (both free) which is 4 points for lunch.  So by my afternoon snack I have consumed 11 points of my 26 allowable daily points on weight watchers.  Now I have dinner.  That consists of 3-4 oz of meat (3-4 points), rice or potato (2 points) and vegetable (free).  Now we are up to 17-18 points.  Then I can still have some air-popped popcorn or other snack before bedtime to round out the 26 daily points.  If I eat out and use more points than normal, I just skip the evening snack and we still on point.  Hope this helped everyone.  If you have questions, please let me know .  Happy New Year and as one of my weight watchers leaders always says "hope to see less of you" (weight wise).  Love that saying.