Exciting News.....

We have begun filming one of our videos. its amazing how God has provided throughout the process. We have been greatly encouraged by all of the help we have received...professional, as well as help from our families....thanks so much....Mr. Ron Robeson has taken on our project with a zewAL THAT WE REALLY appreciate...we especially want to thank the actual homeless people who let us intrude on theair actual world...so that we could bring it just like it is....thats our hearts desire...to shine a spotlight on the homeless situation..folx its a crying shame the way they are treated.iof God looked pasr our faults, to see our needs...the local governments need to do the same thing. We went to two different locations...and im going to say something that i have been saying for a long, long time.....IF CHURCHES HAD 1/2 OF THE UNITY THAT THE HOMELESS DO. PLENTY OF PROBLEMS WOULD GET SOLVED...SOMETHING ABOUT A STRUGGLE THAT AUTOMATICALLY BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER...NO TIME FOR PETTYNESS....I LIKE REAL PEOPLE, TIRED OF THE PHONIES, EGOS, SHINY SUITS, BLING-BLING..CHURCHES NEED TO GO INTO THE STREETS AND MEET THE BOLD PEOPLE THEY NEED SO BADLY.....WHEW!!!!

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